Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Ethical Policies & Procedure

Update Publishing should ‎follow by Authors, Reviewers, and Members of the Editorial Board of journals published and standards of expected ethical behavior in JQAAS. At Update Publishing, the pre and post-publication of research articles are committed to meet ‎the high quality and standards.

Authorship Criteria:

In a published paper, the study and preparation of the manuscript should base on substantial contribution in ‎conducting for the credit for authorship. Co-Supervisor or Co-PI in a project in PhD or a ‎Master work are inadequate to appeal authorship. The research should be based ‎on the relative contribution for the author order of article. To make it clear, co-authors Contributions the end of the article and the Reference Section demands a written ‎statement for Update Publishing. All co-authors of the ‎study should give permission for the corresponding author before ‎submitting to the journal.

Initial Screening:

The article for format and journal scope, ‎originality and potential impact will screen by the Editorial Staff Upon reception of an article. the article will be returned to the author for correcting the format, if the standard format of Update Publishing is not up in the article, then External Peer Review will be assigned it.

External Peer review:

The author can offer at least 3 reviewers during submission, who can estimate the manuscript. Collaborators or previous co-authors of any of the submitting authors should not be ‎as reviewers. They ‎should be from at least from another institution or another country with the institution email address. ‎the suggested reviewers may or may not contact  by the editors.

Ethical Expectations:

For the purpose of the article and the rationale for the study should summarize. It should neither review the subject broadly nor it should have conclusions data of the study.


Authors are responsible for the content and creativity of the submitted paper (See Update Publishing Policy on Plagiarism).

Authors should get permission from all co-authors before submission.

It is tacit that the paper is solely submitted to this journal, and not under concern in any other journal.

If taken from already published sources, all materials included should be recognized and correctly cited. Agreement letter is needed from previous authors/publisher in casing of already published figures or data or tables.

The raw data of the reported learn should be retained with author reports, if case any query arises, the corresponding author will be accountable to give details.

All grant sources should be approved.

If wanted, Ethical supports from worried authorities for accomplishing the studies should be suggested.

Authors should assert any possible disagreements of attention


Reviewers should evaluate manuscript based on the scientific value in an objective and balanced way.

They should mainly statement on Novelty and creativity of the work.

They should estimate the article's readers’ attention and possible impact on the people.

They should evaluate the suitability of the methodology described, study plan, etc.,

They should complete the review procedure in an opportune mode.

The information associated to the article under review should be kept secret.

The reviewer should not maintain or copy the manuscript.

Any latent arguments of attention should be communicated to the Editor

The review procedure should be found on equality policy in intellectual and scientific filling anyway of gender, religion, ethnicity, race, citizenry nor political principles of the author(s).