Isolation of Rhizospheric Bacteria from Soil and Their Antifungal Activity Against Helminthosporium oryzae the Causal Agent of Brown Spot of Rice


  • Irfan Ali Department of Plant Pathology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Sindh Pakistan
  • Manzoor Ali Abro
  • Rehana Naz Syed Department of Plant Pathology, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam



Rhizospheric bacteria, antifungal, Helminthosporium oryzae


The brown spot of rice caused by Helminthosporium oryzae is a serious disease that affects the yield of rice crops. Brown spots of rice have been reported in almost all rice-growing countries. Therefore, the present study was to explore the management of brown spots of rice. through an antagonistic activity using rhizospheric bacteria. The method employed for soil sample collection was persuaded for bacterial isolation through the serial dilution plate technique. For the results of morphological characteristics of bacterial strain from soils of rice crop collected from Hyderabad. The results of the present study show that many colonies made by bacteria and which were consisted of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Whereas the results of the 15 isolates strains of rhizobacteria, only 06 bacterial strains IAP-1, IAP-2, IAP-04, IAP-09, IAP-12, and IAP-14 were found more effective in antagonizing H.oryzae, under in-vitro conditions. Antagonistic activity of rhizobacteria against H. organize showed significant inhibitory effects. The rhizobacteria showed the primordial result against against H. oryzae and will be helpful as a formulation not only for commercial purposes but also for beneficial biological control against the Brown spot of rice


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How to Cite

Ali, I., Abro, M. A., & Syed, R. N. (2023). Isolation of Rhizospheric Bacteria from Soil and Their Antifungal Activity Against Helminthosporium oryzae the Causal Agent of Brown Spot of Rice. Journal of Microbiological Sciences, 2(01), 14–20.